Just blogging along - Scam & Spam

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Demon Webmail
Kennel Trumpfield


- Metateque, a great little blogging tool!

- Ennio Morricone

- Being a nerd

- 2004 is a leap year

- It's Valentine's day

- OMG....It's Friday the 13th....

- Spam Poetry

- Mamma - a cool search engine!

- Alternative browsers & other software - part I

- Spamcop at your service!


Cats & Stuff
Food & Drink
Scam & Spam
The World
Useful Stuff




Viagra, Sliagra and the competitors

 First published 05.11.2003 - 2004-May-17 17:08:56

So.... ever heard of Cyalus??? No?? Me neither! This is a new product as far as I am concerned, and I doubt if it will work for me - being a woman and all.....

It will cost less and it is better

Cyalus is now available to consumers.
Cyalus is superior to Viagra.
Cyalus is superior because:
It acts faster (within 30 minutes).
It lasts much longer (up to 36 hours).
It has far fewer Side effects.

We offer:
Low manufacturer direct pricing.
Private delivery to your home.
No Doctor's Consutation required.
100% Money Back Guarantee.
Why pay twice as much when
Cyalus is a far superior product and is only a click away? [links to http://www.tabherenow.com]

Go for it, guys!! .... or maybe not....



Scam, spam and other nasty stuff - part VI

 First published 05.11.2003 - 2004-May-17 17:08:15

Now here's one that really gets to me!!! I am a non-smoker with severe asthma. Someone else must have decided I need this ad, 'cause I sure didn't sign up for it seeing that I get really ill from other people's cigarette smoke:

Camels, Marlboros, Winston, Parliament, 19.95 / Carton shipped to your door

Discount, Tax Free Cigarettes Shipped from Overseas - $19.95 per Carton. Order brand name Cigarettes like Marlboro, Camel, Winston, Parliament and many more online for only $19.95. Generic Cigarettes from $12.95 per carton

Click Here [links to http://dirtcheapcigs.biz/ctrack.php?cid=11&redirect=http://dirtcheapcigs.biz]

We Ship Worldwide. Save $1,200+ a year on your cigarette costs.

Click Here [links to http://dirtcheapcigs.biz/ctrack.php?cid=11&redirect=http://dirtcheapcigs.biz]
No More Mail Please [links to http://dirtcheapcigs.biz/astalavista.php]

Somehow I don't think the remove link is going to do me any good...... Now the only way I know to save $ 1200 a year is by not smoking at all. If you're one of those people who want the stuff, go right ahead, but don't bother me with this kind of offensive advertisement for stuff that will make me ill!



Finances a threat to your health?? Read this!

 First published 05.11.2003 - 2004-May-17 17:07:21

Stop the Stress

*Tired of making never ending CREDIT CARD payments?
*Feel like your balance never goes down?
*Worried that you will never get the debt paid off?
*Tired of having no money left over every month?
*Feel overwhelmed by the amount of debt you owe?
*Getting harassment calls from creditors?
*Don't want to file for bankruptcy as a way out?

Does This Sound Like You? Well something Can Be Done About It.


Let Us Show You How We Can Help! [links to http://bugeyed:paul@mailbx.net/debt/?upswing]

remove [links to http://blanchard:vertebrae@www.powppdd.com/opp/t/rm/?dominant]

Follow the link, and you'll be really stressed out! It's a scam as far as I can see - don't do it.



Get A Bachelor's Degree, Master's, or PhD - No Classes Necessary............

 First published 29.10.2003 - 2004-May-17 17:06:40

Academic Qualifications available from prestigious NON-Accredited universities. Do you have the knowledge and the experience but lack the qualifications? Are you getting turned down time and time again for the job promotion just because you are lacking a college degree?

Get the prestige that you deserve today! Move ahead in the world of Business and Employment today! Bachelors, Masters and PhD's available in your field!

No examinations! No courses! No textbooks!

Call to register and receive your educational credentials within days! 24 hours a day 7 days a week!

Confidentiality assured!

203-286-2187 – USA Leave us your contact details and we will get back to you within days!

OK..... here we go again! The text is slightly different, but confidentiality is still assured!! Wanna buy a degree?? Contact these people 24-7!

NON-Accredited universities - now, let's see.... what does that mean..... I know 'accredited' means something like 'To recognize (an institution of learning) as maintaining those standards requisite for its graduates to gain admission to other reputable institutions of higher learning or to achieve credentials for professional practice', so I guess the NON-part makes this all NON-recognized, NON-standard, NON-reputable, NON-higher, NON-credentials and NON-professional practice?????

Now that's just too bad!!!



Seen on TV - part I

 First published 28.10.2003 - 2004-May-17 17:06:02

I wonder if Oprah really supports this stuff....... educated guess: NAH!!

Read it anyway:

As Seen on NBC, CBS, CNN and even Oprah!

The Health Discovery that Actually Reverses Aging while Burning Fat, without Dieting or Exercise!

This Proven Discovery has even been reported on by the New England Journal of Medicine. Forget Aging and Dieting Forever! And it's Guaranteed!

Free Shipping within the US!

Click Here to Learn How you can Receive up to 2 Full Month's Supplies Absolutely FREE!
[links to http://www.omd3byoc7i@www.besthealthinfo.com]

Would you like to lose weight while you sleep?

No dieting!
No hunger pains!
No Cravings!
No strenuous exercise!
Change Your Life Forever!

1. Body Fat Loss..................82% improvement.
2. Wrinkle Reduction.............61% improvement.
3. Energy Level.....................84% improvement.
4. Muscle Strength................88% improvement.
5. Sexual Potency.................75% improvement.
6. Emotional Stability.............67% improvement.
7. Memory.............................62% improvement.

Get Your FREE 2 Month Supply TODAY!
[links to http://www.o9nah1dc7d9gx3@www.besthealthinfo.com]

FREE "Eat Until You're Thin Program"
Lose up to 15 Pounds in 1 to 2 Weeks!

You are receiving this message as a member of the Opt-In America List. To remove your email address please
click here [links to http://www.omjchlwvkseaa@www.besthealthinfo.com]
We honor all remove requests.

OK - free shipping in the US. How about people in Europe - like me, for instance??? I want to forget about ageing and dieting forever, I want 2 months supply for free as well!! Where do I sign up? I want more memory, less body fat, less wrinkles, more energy and muscle strength, sexual potency and emotional stability too, but I don't believe in this BS, and I certainly did NOT choose to become a member of the Opt-IN America List of my own free will. Grrrrrrrr!!!!

Wonder what New England Journal of Medicine wrote about this product????

Stop clogging up my inbox with this no-good garbage!!!



Scam, spam and other nasty stuff - part V

 First published 28.10.2003 - 2004-May-17 17:03:07

Here's one of those 'let me scam you out of lots of money' messages I received not so long ago. What I find weird is that the writer doesn't even know if the receiver is a man or a woman. I always thought that one of the rules of doing business was to know who you're dealing with........

From the Desk of: Mr.Charles Mwanza
Director, Audit & Project Implementation
Tel: 0027-722 285 060.
Fax: 0027-732 744 830.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Charles Mwanza, a native of Cape Town in South Africa and I am an Executive Accountant with the South Africa Department of Mining & Natural Resources. First and foremost, I apologized using this medium to reach you for a transaction/business of this magnitude, but this is due to confidentiality and prompt access reposed on this medium. Be informed that a member of the South Africa Export Promotion Council (SEPC) who was at the Government delegation to your country during a trade exhibition gave your enviable credentials/particulars to me. I have decided to seek a confidential co-operation with you in the execution of the deal described hereunder for the benefit of all parties and hope you will keep it as a top secret because of the nature of this transaction.

Within the Department of Mining & Natural Resources where I work as a director and with the cooperation of four other top officials, we have in our possession as Over due payment bills totaling Thirty Eight Million One Hundred Thousand U. S. Dollars (US$38,100,000.00) which we want to transfer abroad with the assistance and cooperation of a foreign company/individual to receive the said fund on our behalf or a reliable foreign non-company account to receive such funds. More so, we are handicapped in the circumstances, as the South Africa Civil Service Code of Conduct does not allow us to operate offshore account hence your importance in the whole transaction.

This amount (US$38,1M) represents the balance of the total contract value executed on behalf of my Department by a foreign contracting firm, which we the officials over-invoiced deliberately. Though the actual contract cost have been paid to the original contractor, leaving the balance in the tune of the said amount which we have in principles gotten payment allocation awaiting approval to remit by Direct Telegraphic Wire Transfer to only a foreign bank account which you will provide by filing in an application through the Justice Ministry here in South Africa for the transfer of rights and privileges of the former contractor to you.

I have the authority of my partners involved to propose that should you be willing to assist us in the transaction, your share of the sum will be 20% of the US$38,1Million, 75% for us and 5% for taxation and miscellaneous expenses. The business itself is 100% safe, on your part provided you treat it with utmost secrecy and confidentiality. Also your area of specialization is not a hindrance to the successful execution of this transaction. I have reposed my confidence in you and hope that you will not disappoint me. Endeavor to contact me immediately through the above email, otherwise you can contact me on the above tel and fax numbers, whether or not you are interested in this deal. This will enable me open discussion with other interested foreign partner with recommendation to carry out this deal.

I want to assure you that myself and my partners are in a position to make the payment of this claim possible provided you can give us a very strong assurance and guarantee that our share will be secured and Please remember to treat this matter as very confidential matter; because we will not comprehend with any form of exposure as we are still in active
Government Service and remember once again that time is of the essence in this business opportunity.

I wait in anticipation of your fullest co-operation.

Yours faithfully,

Charles Mwanza(Mr.)

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL & URGENT????? Of course it is, and in addition, it's ILLEGAL!! Don't even think about repying to this guy unless you're stupid and very greedy! If you're not, and you would still like to reply, you should be aware of the fact that people have lost a lot of money, and some have even died as a result of it. If you don't believe me, have a look at Scamorama Presents The lads From Lagos.



Scam, spam and other nasty stuff - part IV

 First published 07.10.2003 - 2004-May-17 17:02:24

I received another email today - supposedly from MS Inet Message Storage System.. My virus checker went bananas, and told me it had found the "Exploit-Mime.gen" virus, and would I like to delete the file. OF COURSE I would like to delete the file!!!

The message is as follows:

From: "MS Inet Message Storag System" (an email address)
To: "Email user" ()
Subject: error advice

Undelivered to (another email address)

The message - at least the one I received - contains an attachment. The content type is audio/x-wav, the name (in this case) gjnpsep.exe.

Be on the watchout, and stay alert! Lately there have been quite a lot of messages Microsoft ( - not very likely -) containing a virus or two. Just remember that Microsoft NEVER, EVER sends patches via email. IF Microsoft ever sends an email - it happens once every 10 years or so - the email contains a link to the patch, not the "patch" (=virus, worm etc) itself.

For more information about this particular virus, see Network Associates, or search Google for information on the Exploit-Mime.gen virus.

Stay safe out there!!



Scam, spam and other nasty stuff - part III

 First published 05.10.2003 - 2004-May-17 17:01:34

Now here's one I've been seeing quite often: Buy your own college degree!! No studying necessary, just apply - you qualify if you have a High School diploma and three years of work experience within "your field". No one is turned down, and of course it is all confidential..... Amazing - imagine getting a PhD overnight! WOW!!!

I've got to check this one out! Too bad there is no name, no website, no email, no links, no nothing.... except for a New York phone number which you can call night and day, seven days a week. Hmmmm..... should I???

Cure Job Monotony

We remove the obstacles that cause adults to abandon hope.
DID YOU KNOW that you could earn your legitimate Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or even Doctorate degree, utilizing your already existing professional or academic expertise?

Prepare for the professional advancement you deserve
If you are an adult with a high school diploma and have a minimum of three years of experience in the field you are seeking a degree in, YOU QUALIFY. As you know, employers continually hire, promote and give raises to new employees that have ZERO skills or experience, just because they have that piece of paper. Take part in the wealth now! Within days you can apply for that unreachable job, or show your degree to your employer and demand the raise and promotion that your knowledge and skills deserve. How does this work? You graduate without attending classes, or taking a leave of absence from your current job. You receive you degree based on life and work experience! The degree earned by our students enables them to qualify for career advancement and personal growth, while breaking down the wall that prevents them from receiving big money.

Degree verification and official transcripts will be provided in writing when requested by employers and others authorized by the graduate. Our college University transcripts meet the highest academic standards. Our University issues a degree printed on premium diploma paper, bearing an official gold raised college seal.

No one is turned down.

Confidentiality assured.

CALL 1-212-330-8202
Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including Sundays and holidays.



Good news for the Dutchies

 First published: 28.09.2003 - 2004-May-17 16:59:52

According to the Volkskrant, the majority of the Dutch parliament is likely to support the new/modified law that will make spamming illegal in the Netherlands. The proposed maximum fine is a stunning amount of €4500 per violation.


For those of you who understand Dutch, read the whole article at http://www.volkskrant.nl/denhaag/1064467799431.html



Earn loads of money - NOT!

 First published 28.09.2003 - 2004-May-17 16:58:09

Get conned out of loads of money instead.......

You just received a message from someone claiming to be the "first son of the late blabla of whatever country in Africa"? Read it again, and if you don't believe it's a scam, visit Scamorama Presents The Lads From Lagos.


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